Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday & Sooty Saturday

Friday "Mom.  Now that you've gone to the fabric store sale,
you need to rest.  Neow!!"

 Friday "Ummmm, mom??  Star said rest...
not play with thing with mousie and fun tappy things."

Saturday  "Calling all cats!  Calling all Cats!!  If your feeder spent all day shopping yesterday it is imperative that you make them sleep today!!  My personal favorite is to lay across their ankles.  ::weg::"

Saturday  "I like just flopping over both their legs.  But then I weigh about 16# and I can use my Sekret Specel Ninja Kitty Powers to make myself weigh more and more and more and more and more..."

"We love our mom... hmmmm...
maybe we should get her a cup or mug?"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Clean, Clean, Clean.... NAP!!

 "I'd help but I'm already napping."

 "Sorry!  Corwyn's leaving for Thanksgiving with his dad and I need my snuggle time!!"

 "Look mom!!  I'm cleaning the driveway!! Wheeeee!!"

 "Hmmmmm, I don't think anything in here needs cleaning.  Nope, no mice here!"


PSSST!  The Teenage Mutant would like to wish everyone who is celebrating it tomorrow a Happy Thanksgiving!!  And everyone else?  Have an extra bouncy day!!  ::purrrrrr::

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This & That

 "Hey!  Hey!  Mom!  Why'd you get home early yesterday??"

 "Perhaps because someone hid her black book which tells when all of
her appointments are so she got the dates mixed up.
She'll have to go back to Nashvegas on December 6th
for her sleep deprived EEG & then her EMG."

 "As you can plainly see, I traveled back in time to retrieve mom's book and she was able to find it when she got home from having shots in the the right side of her back.  It was in the van where everyone had already looked a gazillion times."

 "Don't look at me!  I had nuthin' to do with nuthin'!!"

... and a hot bath, a good book, and a few adorable kitties!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Mom's Doing Tomorrow...

 Thomas: "Mom's going to be at Vandy all day tomorrow."
Zaphy: "Why?  Isn't she supposed to stay home and feed us??"
Star: "She has to have a sleep deprived EEG and then an EMG."
Mister Kitten: "Does that mean she's not going to feed us??"
Thomas and Star:  ::paw:forehead::

Mister Kitten "When did dad say mom was going to bed?"
Zaphy: "Two hours later than normal & wake up two hours
earlier, so that makes it 2400 & 0500."
Mister Kitten:  "I don't get it.  Mom doesn't get to sleep until 0300!"
Zaphy:  "Well, if you didn't keep jumping up on her..."

 Thomas:  "Are you worried about mom's tests?"
Star: "Nope.  You?"
Thomas:  "Nope.  But I think we should nap for her docs just in case."
Star:  "Good idea."

I haven't put this up yet, I've got another one about migraines
as well.  I'm beginning to think I need to hive the store in two
but I'm not sure which sections would go into which store.
If anyone has an opinion, meow!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Okay, who broke the camera??

::sigh::  Can we start this week over please??  Speeding ticket, right side turn light disappeared (valet parked & suddenly gone, I'm suspicious), tire came off of the rim as I was leaving to turn in SSD appeal, got new lithium batteries for camera & took pictures & when I turned it back on it said "low battery" & stopped working, today my husband's car battery was deader than a doorknob.  I got a new one, put it in and it didn't do more than make the lights work.  Meanwhile, my friend Kat from Memphis called to tell me that she was following the ambulance taking her mother (who has COPD) to the hospital with pneumonia.  I would like a do-over please.

 "So, Brain, how do we make a do-over for mom??"
"Be quiet Pinky, I'm thinking."

 "I know I wasn't around last night mom, but I'll come see you
later to make you feel better.  No, really!!  Especially now
that the flashy thing is... ummm... ahhhhh... gotta go!"

 "Yessssssss, we shall make mothur sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep."

 "Hey!  At least she got that box from the Angel Food Ministries place that Auntie Kat paid for!!  Fooooood!  Fooood is goooooood!!"

"We're not sure which ones we're getting for our pet children."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Meooooom!! Meeeeeooooooom!! Hey! Pay Attention to Meeeeeee!!

 "Yes!  With my amazing lazer eyes, I managed to make
mom buy more batteries for her little camera.
If we had green papers we'd buy her a better one for Christmas."

 "Because, as you can see, I am stunning.  No, really!!
So mom should take many many pictures of me!
Well, except when I don't want her to."

 "What?!  I'm not stunning too??"

 "Don't ask me, I'm busy sleeping!"

Star says, "Harrumph!  I hide out.  I did not want to have the flashy thing last night.  Maybe later.
PS  the new stuff is already in this section.  muahahahahahahahahaha!!"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mom Off to See Ner-Neur- Some Kind of Doctor

 "First off, it was not my fault that the computer did wonky
things and made beepy noises this morning.  I thought I was supossed to play with it!!  Why else is it called a mouse?!"
"Does this mean I can go back to sleep now?"

Star says, "Mom is going to see the neurologist & take in her appeal for SSD today so I thought this would be a good graphic to put up; even if it's not one based on me."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Comforter Conversation...

 "Huh.  Mom got through putting in the new products in Winter Holidays & Breast Cancer Awareness before we could stop her. grrrrrrrr"

 "Don't look at me!!  I was busy napping!!"

 "You know, if you hadn't kept putting her legs to sleep by laying on them... !!  Maybe we should change your name to Mister Pumpkin."
"What's a Pumpkin??"

"Don't worry mom, I'll make sure you rest today, after all, you want to go hear Corwyn sing at MidTN Freshman Honor Choir tonight!!"

Where is the coffee??  Ooooooh coooooffffffeeeee!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to Work MOM!! (such as it is...)

 "I'll snoozervise from up here."

 "Ahem!!  Mister Kitten!!  That's Mom's spot!!"

 "S'okay, he can come over here & groom me as is my due."

"Don't forget!!  Mom has these on sale in the shop through Christmas!!  Hey mom!!  Schedule your mammogram already!!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

 "Ummm, mom??  You're making it hard for me to sleep!"

 "I'm exhausted from sleeping with mom last night!"

 "I can sleep anywhere, anytime.  I am a Champion Sleeper!!"

"See!!  We are very good at our jobs!!"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thanks Kat!! Have a Great Weekend!!

 "Mom's soul sister sent Clister some green papers and then sent some more to force mom to go to Angel Food Ministries and buy a box of food.  Thank you Kat!!  We are purring & praying for you too!!"

 "She's been dealing with taking care of her dad who's been in the hospital since September 28th when he had a ruptured 10 mm aneurysm basically blew up his aorta.  He had to have his leg taken off pretty high (among his other surgeries) and has just been moved to a rehab hospital.  No one thought he would survive but he is a very very strong and determined person... like his daughter."

 "So today we are all having a nap in her honor.  Thanks again Kat!!"

"This card's for you"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Clister's Accident Report by StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty

 "I would like to set the record straight.  Unlike my brother Zaphy, I know how to spell Clister's name.  Dad has had Clister since Clister was born in 1973 and she's named after one of his grandmothers."

 "Mom took a close-up of the damage that happened.  We think that Clister fell down.  She doesn't have a hard case or a stand."

 "This is the new bridge that dad had just gotten for
Clister as an early Christmas present because
he was starting to play her more often at gigs."

"We are all purring & praying that Clister can be fixed.
Daddy is very sad about Clister being broken.
He has had Clister since she was borned.
She is a 3/4 upright bass."