"I'm telling you dad, you really should stay home today!!"
When I got home, the back door was open. Odd. I went inside and my husband's bike was still there. Odd. I went upstairs and my husband was still there. Very odd! Then I saw that not only was he holding his right arm but there was a hole in one of his favorite shirts. Oh dear!! I'm sure you know what came next! First I helped him change shirts. This revealed the bad spot on his shoulder and the fact that his elbow did not like him. Off we went to the doc-in-the-box. One x-ray later and we knew that his arm was broken just above the elbow. They sent us off to an imaging place to make sure his cheek wasn't broken. Thank goodness it was not! Then off to an orthopedist. There we found out that the break was a split. He'll go get a CAT scan a few days after my surgery on Monday to see if he'll need to have screws put in his arm or not. Either way, he'll be in a splint for quite a while. Good thing I can't drive for six weeks! He drives a standard and I have an automatic! ::grin::
one of the cards in Kat's Kards I think it's appropriate for my sweetie!