"I love these pillows. As soon as my people get off of them I get on them."
"I am stunningly beautiful. Everybody who sees me says so.
This is good, because they pet me. I love being petted."
"This is me with my young mommy. Her mommy is my mom.
They both give me treats. I love treats!!"
"Remember, cleanliness is next to catliness!"
"I am part of the Cat Guard. I am also a mighty hunter."
"My brother is older than me so he lords it over me.
I don't mind because I am the Mommy Cat in the Horde,
even though we are all Tims*.
I make sure that everyone stays clean."
"Hey Mom! You could use this coaster by your bed!"
PS I don't think any of these pictures show what a beautiful blue my eyes are!! Hmmmm, I wonder if I can get another brushing today out of that??
*Mommy calls us Tims because we're no longer Toms,
when we had sisters they were Princesses because they were no longer Queens.