Monday, August 22, 2011

Da Celebration Report! Read All About It!!

 "So, do you know why mom did bring back BBQ for us??"

 "Mom's how old??  How much is that in cat years??" - Audrey
"Don't ask, don't tell." - Star
"You know, she got that cat necklace for her birthday when she was 11 and wanted earrings to match ever since she got it." - Zaphy

 "And dad had someone called Thomas the Lapidary make
 the earrings to match.  Mom squeed when she opened
the box at Christmas!  Daddy always does good." - Star

 "I want to know why dad named his upright bass Clyster." - Knives
"It's a band member's family name." - Zaphy
"OooOOOooo." ::shakes head:: "I still don't get it." - Knives
"Now there's a shock!" - Star
"What??" - Knives

"Mom got some great paper to play with,
but we can't have the balloons."

PS thanks to everycat who said Happy Purrday to our mom!


  1. Oh noes, we missed your mom's birthday! We're glad she had a great time and wish her a wonder-full year ahead!

  2. Audrey looks down from dad's dresser (where she is not supposed to be and she knows it!), "Oh Don't worry about it! We haven't been letting mom on the 'puter much lately because of her health which hasn't been as good 'cus of stress & stuff. But we're snuggling up to her and trying to make sure that she only gets on the 'puter for a little bit at a time so she feels better. We know that mom is always always always glad to hear from everycat and she understands that other folx might not be able to respond to things just like she & we aren't always able! ::kitty kisses::"

  3. Happy belated birthday for your mommy !
    nd purrs purrs purrs for her to feel better

    PS : Your mommy looks so young for 50

  4. What wonderful celebrashuns! Happy Birthday again to your mom! xx

  5. Happy Purrthday to your dear Mommy..all of you kittehs. Much love to her and many many more Purrthdays to come. No, really. (MOL)

