Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner! or Do We Still Have That Third Litter Box?

 "Is that Star??  No!!  It's our new sister!!"

 "I've been helping mom make arrangements
to pick her up on Saturday!"

 "Hey mom!  We can use one of these water bowls
for her food but you need to fix our fountain!"

 "Is she here yet??  Is she here yet??"
 "I think I'll nap until my 'twin' Sparkles
gets here to her new Forever Home!"

"Everycat & Feeder at our house is sooooo excited!!
We can hardly wait for Saturday!!"


  1. You are so very very dear! Our mommy cried when we sees you are going to give Sparkles the home she so desperately needs! We were so very worried about her. And we purrayed and purrayed.
    God Bless you!!

  2. Our Mommy has leaky eyes too because you are taking Sparkles. That is so great. We felt so sorry for her. Thank thank you so much. I wanted to take her but I have 15 here and just didn't have anywhere to put her. Can't wait to hear how she does. Thanks again for taking her.

  3. Hi! WE just read about you adopting Sparkles over at Chrystal's blogs and wanted to say how thrilled we are!!! Have fun with your new sister, guys!

    Purrs from France,
    Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan and the Woofie Tommy

  4. I am so so happy to hear the news. You have very wonderful hearts to add Sparkles to your fambly.

  5. Bless you for making a loving forever home for Sparkles....we are purraying that her introduction will go smoothly and she will quickly be one of the gang.


  6. I am so excited to hear that you are adopting Sparkles!!! I have her brother Jimmy (aka Ash) and coincidentally our blogs have practically the same name!

    I'm following you now and can read all about Sparkle's adventures with the hoarde! This is such fantastic news, you are great and I know Sparkles will be happy in her new home :-)

  7. Can't believe it! So excited I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!

  8. This is wonderful news--we just saw it on Chrystal's blog. We hope Sparkles adjusts well and has a long and happy life in her forever home!

  9. We are so happy that you're adopting sweet Sparkles! Yay!

  10. Da Boys say, "We're all excited too! We can't decide if we should look through the window at the birds & snow, eat or nap!!"

  11. WE are so happy that little Miss Sparkles has a forever and ever home. We are real excited and can't wait to hear how this beautiful fairy tale comes to it's beautiful end.


  12. Dear TMNKH and Your Wonderful Feeders-

    You have absolutely blown us away with the WONDERFUL exciting news. I had to read your post yesterday on the Daily Dose blog several times to make sure I was reading it correctly. Here you were answering the prayers of so many in a cool, calm, matter-of-fact way. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! And how exciting that Star will have his very own Doppleganger. Here's to many many years of happiness for you all!

    Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison LaRue

  13. You are the dearest sweetest lovingest family ever and so are the cats. Taking Sparkles is a dream come true to me. I feel deeply in love with that dear baby who so needed love. THANK you!!!

  14. I read this wonderful news at Chrystal's blog. My heart went out so much to Sparkles for two reasons, my first cat Sissy, now gone to the Bridge, looked identical, down to the white spot on her chest, everytime I looked at Sparkles photo my heart would seize up BUT I have a studio, a large one, it's an apt though and I have no rooms as such to put a new cat who doesn't like others. I have the exact same thing going on here, a cat that was rescued when 70 cats deemed unadoptable went to a sanctuary in October. Margaret did not go, she could not be put into a carrier, she just went berserk. She is older, close to 12, and I have tried innumerable times to include her in my place but she seems so miserable and she growls and hisses whenever another cat gets within eyesight. I know you are busy but if you find it possible to email me and let me know how I could get this wonderful human-loving cat into my home, I would be eternally grateful!
    Thank you again for your big heart and for taking Sparkles.
    email kathie at all-creatures dot com

  15. This is wonderful news. We are so happy for Sparkles that you are giving her her Forever home.

  16. Thank you wonderful cat Mom for taking Sparkles I have seen her and she is a cutie - I have no blog my self but I read Daily dose and she keeps my dog clan when I go out of town. She is so good to all her rescues and she will be so happy for Sparkles to have her own human loving person - Thank you so much for all the love you have shown to reach out to Sparkles and take her.. Ginny and The Fur family - Brindel my dog came from the writer of Daily dose - A real love bug dog. He is our love and joy

  17. I'm so happy that you decided to take Sparkles. I have been following her story and what a happy ending.

  18. This is so exciting. I just have "goosey" bumps when I think about Sparkles getting a new forever home. I hope all of the Tims will accept her quickly and she is happy again.

  19. Sparkles looks so sweet, I'm happy she found a good home at last.

  20. We are over da moon abowt Sparkles coming to live wiv yoo!
