Sunday, September 11, 2011

For Those Who Serve/d

and for all the heroes,
big and small,
 whatever your faith,
you give your all

PS both of these graphics are available in many formats on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde's shop called Kat's Kats.  If anything is skewed or you know of something else CafePress makes that you'd like a graphic on, please let us know!  StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty will take care of it as soon as mom lets him use the computer! - Zaphoid

PPS We don't know when the Halloween graphics will go up.  Mom's pain has been high & her depression low, if that makes sense.  We're all sitting on her a lot. - Knives

We Remember

Made by Travis, a cat lover and peace blogger with a passion for peace and for this movement.  Thank you for making this graphic and sharing it with everyone on Cat Blogosphere.

Friday, September 9, 2011

We's Been Gone...

 "Truly, we hasn't been sleeping on the job." - Audrey
"Psssst!  That's always our job!" -Star
"Oh, yeah.  Waitaminute!  Isn't mom our job??" - Audrey

 "We have NOT been snoopervising.  No, really!!"

 "We abosolutely did NOT pick the paint color!!" - Zaphoid
"I dunno, I think it goes well with my fur color." - Knives

"SO.  Why haven't we been here??  Only the Shadow Cat knows!!"

PS Mom's going through some tough stuff so it may be
hit & miss for a bit longer.  Mom was appropriately shocked
when she looked at the last date and we all got GOOSHY FOOD!!!
WHOOT!!  Hmmmm, maybe we should help her forget more often?
Nah, we don't like her to hurt more.  ::kitty kisses::
(and grooming from Star to his Adorable Admiral!!)