Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And Where Was Emo Kitty??

When I woke up I could see neither hide nor hair of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde.  This did not last long.  Once one of them realized that I was up and about they began to descend upon me.  "Oh mom!  I was just passing through.  I don't suppose... I mean, you don't happen to have any... treats, do you??"  ::rolls eyes:: 

Yes, it's true... cats can become addicted to greenies.

Zaphy??  Zaphy is addicted to being waited on.

"Oh woe is me!  Just call me Emo Kitty!"

PS How many of you were able to spot Star in the new quilt pictures??  ::grin::


  1. Great pics! Love those treats!

  2. My boys are addicted to any kind of treat. :-) Annie not so much, she can take them or leave them, she's not food-motivated.

  3. Oh treats are a huge draw at our house for most of the cats, but Lola is pretty lazy and won't usually come down without a lot of coaxing. But I am pretty sure Virgil is an addict - that boy will cry for treats all night sometimes!

  4. Actually Zaphy adores treats and he'll teleport from anywhere inside or outside to get them... unless he's laying down in the window seat. Then he is King or Emo Kitty and he won't take anything unless it's brought to him. Anytime he's depressed and being Emo Kitty, he will look at you, sigh, and go, "I suppose I could eat a greenie/treat or three, if I ab-so-lutely have to" ::sigh::

    OTOH Star will come up and stare at the treat containers as if he can make them open by sheer willpower. He's also been known to stare at the treats and then give me an admonishing glare. Because, after all, it's my fault that he doesn't have greenies!!

  5. Ha! There's many Emo cats here, too! We sorta take turns to keep Mommy hopping.

  6. Hi! Sherkhan's name should be an active link in the post...if not, he's at http://sherkhanmeows.blogspot.com/

    KatMom Trish

  7. Got it!! Thanks! I'm so glad you got the award, it's a great blog to follow.

  8. Aw, how nice!
    Thank you to all the cats!
    Love your site!


  9. And who could resist those beautiful faces?!...We bet your Mom breaks out the treats every morning; our Mommy does!!...A treat addict?...And that's supposed to be a bad thing?!...Kisses handsome boys!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  10. Yeah, our kitties love treats, too. Moosey in particular will suddenly appear out of nowhere if we even go *near* the "treat" cabinet.

  11. oh the expectant faces!

  12. Every morning, every night... Star is probably the most insistent as he stares ever so pointedly at the treat containers.
