Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day (and Not-A-Daddy's Day!!)

 "We wanna say Happy Daddy's Day to the Dads but
we all believe in Neuter and Spay, It's the Only Way!
I've been neutered so I won't be a dad!"

  "I've been neutered so I won't be a dad!"

"I've been neutered so I won't be a dad!"

"Will someone please neuter them so they'll
stop trying to make me a mom?! Geeze,
they're getting on my very last nerve!!
Good thing I'm spayed!!"


  1. We concur! The mom says there are a lot of humans that should be spayed and neutered and not able to breed, but somehow that's not a popular opinion.

    Happy Father's Day to the dads of four and two-legged Beings.

  2. Absolutely! Good for you guys and doll.

    We agree with Fuzzy Tales about some humans, those that mistreat children, among others.

    Laura & Taffy

  3. I've been neutered, too. And guess what? So has my dad! NOW! purrs
