Monday, October 12, 2009

Flu... I haz had it...

I have had the flu... or something like the flu.  Which explains where I've been.  In the bed with various cats.  Primarily StarWeaver.  He was my NurseKitty.  He spent most of the days I was sick curled up in a little ball on the bed.  And when I was feeling my worst he would either climb up into my lap; or if I couldn't tolerate that, he'd snug up at my side and purrrrrrrrrr.  Just stroking him made me feel so much better.  I know that stroking pets has been proven in studies to help people who are ill, but darn!  This went above and beyond what I've ever experienced in the 48 years that I've had cats (yes, I've had them since I was born... ::grin::).

At any rate, I'm feeling much better now and after doing two whole graphics for my day job (I lost out on some because of being ill... meh), I'm going to take a stretchy break and start putting in more Breast Cancer Awareness graphics.  ::knocks on wood::  BTW I have to say that my daughter Jennifer rocks.  My clone helped me out tremendously while I was sick.

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