"Hi! I'm Sir Thomas of Snuggle. I wasn't a shelter cat because
my mom was a stray. Our mom's best friend took her in even
though she was allergic. There were no shelters in the area
who would take pregnant cats at the time and they wouldn't take kittens until they were weaned. When we were weaned, mom adopted me and my brother and her friend had our mom spayed and adopted her because her children loved our mom soooo much!"
"Zaphoid Beeblebrox here! My older brother Thomas is right!
It's one of the reasons it is SO important to neuter and spay!
Our shelters only have so much room! And some areas don't have 'no-kill' shelters. It's especially important to help support 'no-kill' shelters!!! Please help do this whenever you can, however you can!! Mommy puts in an extra dollar when she shops at the pet store."

"I'm StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty. I'm not a shelter kitty either. Mom's ex-husband found me and my sister when we were four weeks old!! We were shivering on the side of a walking trail, covered with fleas and encrusted with tuna!! He brought us back to mom and said, 'You're going to be mad at me'. We hardly filled up his two hands. She said, 'Why would I be made at you?' and he showed us to her. She said, 'Oh my! Quick, send someone to the pet food store and get some kitten milk and bottles and then someone else get them cleaned up in the meantime.' Eventually my sister was adopted by his parents and even though his stepdad said he wouldn't have 'indoor cats' she became his furfriend. At that point I was the eighth cat in the Horde which is why one of my names is BitCat!! People had tried to help me by leaving out tuna but that's not the help I needed. By supporting shelters you also help support education to teach people to be responsible pet owners!!"

"I was framed! Set up, I tell you! I spent All Night in jail! What? Oh. Okay. Ahem. I'm Knives aka Vicious Miette Pumpkin Thunderblaster Knives Pterodactyl aka the Kitten aka Trouble
aka Oberon aka Cat with the Identity Crisis, . Dad's daughter
Sarah found me at a shelter. Well... not a very good one.
The woman there said that I was a girl (which is what Sarah
wanted and what mom suggested since the other Horde members were Tims) and I was a BOY! She wanted to help cats but she
didn't know as much as she should have. So do check out shelters before you donate. Make sure that they are safe and healthy
places where they take care of their animal companions and are picky about Forever Homes. One of the ways you can help donate if you have no green papers is to donate blankets, toys, extra coupons and things or spare time. Companions need lots and lots of loving!!"
"PS I only smacked Star because he was between me and Audrey."
HI!! My name is Lady Audrey Nova StarWatcher!! I've been in my new Forever Home for a week and two days now!! See my shaved belly?? I am a Princess so I don't ever have to worry about adding to the already large kitty population. It's also healthier for me! Neutering is especially healthier for stinky ole' boy cats. I came from DAILY DOSE OF DOGS (AKA CATS WITH YOUR COFFEE). They are very very nice people!! They took the most wonderful care of me and if you are looking for a furfriend I suggest you start there!!! There is a link on the left sidebar of our blog for their site so you can go there anytime to donate someone's honor or find a new furfriend (or 2)!"
(this is only in a bumper sticker)